Female students segregated from male students at the end of the class


Female students segregated from male students at the end of the class Fatwa no. 13758 All praise is due to Allah Alone, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger, his family, and Companions, to commence:The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' has reviewed the question submitted to His Eminence, the President by the Vice Dean of Library Affairs in Al-Dammam which was referred to the Committee from the Council of Senior Scholars, No. 105 on 12/3/1411 A.H. Following is (Part No. 12; Page No. 167) the wordings of the questioner:Your Eminence, I am a member of the teaching staff at the Faculty of Education, King Faysal University. At present, I am conducting a research on the materials used in teaching female students in the university and the problems they face. Since, the university cannot provide special buildings and equipment for male and female students and the shortage of female members of the teaching staff, it has used the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system to audio-visual transmit the lectures to female students inside the university. However, this is an expensive teaching method. In addition, it has many negative effects on the performance and efficiency of the teacher on one hand, and the educational achievement of the female students on the other hand. Since we are searching for alternative methods that comply with our traditions and the teachings of Islam and at the same time within the available means, I would like your Eminence to answer and show the ruling of Shari`ah on the following two questions:1- What is the legal ruling concerning the presence of the professor with female students directly - without a barrier - in the hall while giving his lecture provided that the female students wear the Islamic dress and Hijab (veil); taking into consideration that there is no Khulwah (being alone with a member of the opposite sex) as there is more than one student in the hall?2- What is the legal ruling concerning teaching male and female students together in one hall provided that the female students wear the Islamic dress and Hijab (veil) (Part No. 12; Page No. 168) and have a barrier or front desks specified for male students and an entry and exit specified for female students?I hope your Excellency would reply to my letter as soon as possible at the mentioned address. May Allah protect and guard you!

After studying the matter, the Committee states: This is not permissible because it may lead to a great evil and make all students subject to Fitnah (trial).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
