Getting rid of the profits of a cafe that offers prohibited drinks


Q: In 1960 during the blessed emancipatory revolution, the oppressive French colonialism inducted my father into the military service in Germany. He then went to Germany and during the period of his duty there his finger was cut off, so he replaced it (Part No. 14; Page No. 66) with a piece of gold. My father finished his military duty and returned to Algeria after it had gained its independence. He began receiving a monthly salary in compensation for the loss of his finger and from that money he became a partner in a joint-stock company. However, in 1963 my father migrated to France for work. Allah granted him success, all praise be to Him Alone, and my father was able to find a Halal (lawful) job. He worked in water systems' cleaning, shifted to work as a builder for three years, and in 1966 my father began driving a truck for a company after he got his driving license. He continued to work as a truck driver until 1982. Everything was normal until then, all praise be to Allah Alone. However, a day came while on this job when my father met some evil friends one of whom enticed him to leave his job as a driver and become his partner in purchasing a cafe. This evil person continued whispering to him until he convinced him to buy the cafe and give up his job. They bought the cafe in the same year, 1982, and started selling coffee, tea, soda water, and alcohol; may Allah honor you. My father swore that he did not know that selling alcohol is Haram (prohibited). This was what he told us and it might be because of the prevalent ignorance at the era of colonialism and the period that followed it. Yet, my father did not stop running the cafe. Instead, he continued working and the Haram money increased day by day. Out of that Haram money we built two houses (Part No. 14; Page No. 67) and my father bought some cars and sold them. Now we own two houses and two cars; a big one that my brother works on and a small one for family use. To come to the point, after all these years my father regrets all his bad deeds and wants to make a sincere Tawbah (repentance to Allah) and abandon the cafe work. He decided this year to sell the cafe, may Allah make this easy for him. It may be worth mentioning that when my father turns sixty years of age he will receive two pensions; one for his first job which is Halal - by the permission of Allah - and the other for his second job which is Haram. O Honorable Shaykh! This is the entire story so please provide us with your beneficial answer and tell us how we can escape this dilemma. We are confused and could not find any body here to answer us.

A: If the case is actually as what you have mentioned, along with making Tawbah to Allah your father has to know the amount of the Haram money that he earned from the cafe. Then he must get rid of such amount by spending it on a public project for common benefit, or by giving it to the poor and the needy with the intention of dispensing with it not of paying Sadaqah (voluntary charity). However, if your father does not know the amount of such Haram money, he has to estimate what is most probable and spend it as mentioned above. (Part No. 14; Page No. 68) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
