Having sexual intercourse with one's husband while making up for the missed days of Sawm in Ramadan


Q 1: A woman had her menstrual period during Ramadan. After Ramadan ended, she made up for the days she missed because of the menstrual period, and her husband had intercourse with her while she was observing Sawm (Fast) one of these missed days. What should she do if she was forced and if she was not?

A: The woman who, invalidated her Sawm by having intercourse with her husband when she was making up for one of the missed days of Sawm in Ramadan, has to make up for that day. In addition, she has to offer Tawbah (repentance to Allah) as it is impermissible for her to break her Sawm.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.

