Having sexual intercourse with the wife during Ramadan assuming that dawn has not broken yet


A: It is obligatory on the one who had sexual intercourse with his wife during the daytime of Ramadan to repent, ask Allah for forgiveness, and pay Kaffarah (expiation) in addition to making up for the day on which sexual intercourse took place. The Kaffarah is to emancipate a believing slave, fast for two successive months if the previous option is unavailable, or feed sixty poor people, each poor person receiving half a Sa` (1 Sa`=3 kg. Approx.) of a staple foodstuff, if the two previous options are unattainable. Moreover, the wife is liable to the same Kaffarah if she consented to it.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
