He collected the Diyah required for releasing an imprisoned person and there remained extra money with him


Q: One of my relatives killed one of his relatives in Jordan and received a sentence of 6 years, according to the Jordanian law, in Amman. Then, a general amnesty was passed on all prisoners but my relative was committed to 20,000 riyals as Diyah (blood money) according to a tribal conciliation in Jordan. However, he and his brothers owned nothing and all their relatives in this country deserted them. I was working at that time in the Saudi Arabian army in Turayf and they begged me to support them. So, I requested a leave and headed to Jordan. The Armed Forces commander in Jordan issued circulars to the Saudi forces so I collected the money and paid it. I exerted great effort to do. But I was in need of money at this time, so I kept 3,500 riyals from the collected money for myself. (Part No. 11; Page No. 219) I gave this money as a dowry for a bride in addition to some money I had. Now, my previously imprisoned relative lives in Al-Qurayyat. He is corporal sergeant, married and has children and a house. What can I do with this money to stop the pricking of the conscience and clear away my past misdeeds? Note that the money was a donation from numerous soldiers; some of them donated around 10 riyals, more or less and I do not know them? Please, give me Fatwa (legal opinion issued by qualified Muslim scholar), may Allah reward you with the best. Should I pay this money back to that man, because it was collected for him or give it in charity on behalf of those who donated it? May Allah prolong your life.

A: If the case is as you have mentioned, you have to spend this money in a similar purpose like that for which the money was collected, i.e. Someone unable to pay blood money. Otherwise, you should give it in charity. We hope Allah will reward you well for helping your Muslim brother and forgive your delay of this money. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Miracles of the Qur’an and Sunnah.