He has to make up for days of Sawm he missed during several preceding Ramadans, should he observe order when making up for them?


Q: It happened that my wife suffered some burns on her body in 1408 A.H., and she was hospitalized for treatment. She remained there till the end of the year, which prevented her from fasting the month of Ramadan in that year (i.e. 1408 A.H.). She could not fast because of the instructions of the doctor, since her body was bleeding and she was receiving glucose nutrition. She was also obliged to make up for a week of fast that she missed in Ramadan of 1407 A.H. When she left the hospital, she managed to fast the Ramadan of 1408 A.H. and then fasted the week of the previous Ramadan of 1407 A.H. Is her fast this way correct, as she observed fast for what she missed in 1408 A.H. first and then the week missed in 1407 A.H.? Please clarify the issue and the manner of expiatory fast or feeding the poor if there is anything obligatory on her.

A: The way she made up for the days of fast she missed of Ramadan is correct. Yet, if she could fast the seven days before the following Ramadan, she should feed a poor person as Kaffarah (expiation) for each day, (Part No. 9; Page No. 89) because she delayed making up for them till the next Ramadan. Her way of fast is correct.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
