I along with two young men stole


Q: My younger sister passed away more than ten years ago. Upon washing her body, my elder sister took her clothes and gold (two gold bracelets). She left them in her house and went to our house some 150 km away. Ten days later, she returned to her house but did not find them. Questioning her husband, he told her that he threw them away. Again, she asked: Did you find anything therein? He answered: Two gold bracelets. Thereupon, she asked: What did you do with them? He told her that he took part in building a Masjid (mosque) with their value. However, she now suspects his words. After a while, the spouses were divorced because of their inability to have a child. Now she is married to another man and has children. What should she do in this case; especially that she doubts the creditability of her ex-husband? It is worth mentioning that he did not offer any evidence to prove that he told the truth. What should she do toward her parents when her husband (Part No. 15; Page No. 357) disposed with the gold without her and her parents knowledge. Indeed, her parents did not even ask her about anything or ask about these things. What should she do if the husband proves that he contributed in this building? My sister, praise be to Allah, wants to avoid doubts for fear that it will be a debt due on her and she has to pay. May Allah save and reward you.

A: When a deceased leaves money, it is for their heirs according to the prescribed proportions after paying the debts due on the deceased and fulfilling the bequests that are left. It is not permissible for anyone to dispose in another's property without his permission. Therefore, she has to inform her parents of the incident. As for the ex-husband, he should return the two bracelets to the heirs of the deceased girl and he will not be free from guilt unless he does so; otherwise, he should tell the heirs what he did and if they forgive him, he will be free of any sin. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
