I am not able to drive my car and


Q 3: My mother suffers from kidney failure, which necessitates going to the hospital three times a week. A Saudi driver, who is married and has children, takes her to the hospital. My mother goes with the driver without a mahram (spouse or unmarriageable relative) because of her ill health which necessitates going to the hospital and because my father is paralyzed and cannot accompany her. Is it permissible for my mother to go with the driver in a car without a Mahram? It is worth mentioning that she has sons but they are not available when she goes to the hospital with the driver, (Part No. 17; Page No. 59) because they are at school, and she really needs to go to the hospital. Please advise. May Allah reward you the best!

A: If your mother wants to go to the hospital, one of her Mahrams should accompany her while riding with the driver. She must not go with the driver without a Mahram, because of the general meaning of the following Hadith in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "No man stays with a woman in seclusion except Satan will be their third one." Being with the driver in a car without a Mahram is Khulwah (being alone with a member of the opposite sex). May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
