I had a non-Muslim employee who


Q: Some Muslims and I worked for a person. There were three women working with us. I used to lower my gaze as much as I could. We used to work from sunrise till afternoon. Sometimes, we finished work before noon. When it was the time of Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer, we would stop working to go to offer Salah (Prayer). We also used to stop work so as to offer Salat-ul-Duha (supererogatory Prayer after sunrise). We used to leave other workers as some of them used to delay offering Salah and others did not pray at all. I received a monthly salary of 90 Egyptian pounds. When I decided to leave work, I went to the employer and took my money. After I took the money, I had some whispers in my self that I did not deserve this money. It should be noted that the employer did not tell me so when he gave me the money. It was just a whisper in my self that I do not deserve it as I used to leave work at the time of Salah then continue to work later and that I used to spend the least time at work. One of the workers told me that I did not deserve this money. It is important to mention that this worker used to shave his beard and smoke cigarettes. In fact I believed him. Now, I need to know if the money I took from that work was unlawful? I appreciate your advice. May Allah reward you best!

A: If the reality is as you have mentioned, it is permissible for you to take the entire salary (Part No. 15; Page No. 135) in return for your work. Leaving the work to offer obligatory Salah in congregation does not affect deserving the entire salary. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
