I had an accident a few days before


Q 1: I was working in Iraq three years ago and my employer was a Christian. We stole some money without his knowledge because he was giving us low salaries in return for our hard labor during the whole month. Furthermore, he did not give us any holidays thus work had to continue even on Fridays. All of this was in return for low wages. After I returned to my home country, I felt guilty and I am trying to repent from this sin. What should I do so as to fulfill my duty as far as this stolen money is concerned? What is your advise?I also broke my Sawm (Fast) on some days of Ramadan when I was living in Iraq, what should I do? I have read that whoever breaks his Sawm purposefully on a day of Ramadan, then fasting for a lifetime will not make up for this missed day.

A: First: You have to repent sincerely to Allah, regret what you have done, and resolve not to go back to that sin. Furthermore, you should restore the rights of the man who you have wronged, even if he was a Christian if it is possible for you to do this. However, if there is difficulty in finding the wronged person, then you may spend the money in charitable ways. Second: You should make up the missed days in which you broke Sawm in Ramadan and repent to Allah from this act, may He forgive and accept your repentance. Besides, you should feed one poor person from the ordinary food that you eat, for each day that you delayed in making up for it until the next Ramadan.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
