I have not found the name ''Al-Mawjud''


Q 4: In my previous letter I inquired about the meaning of "Al-Mawjud i.e. the Existent Being, as an attribute of Allah not about the noun i.e. existence. Indeed, I am sure that Allah is the Necessarily Existent Being (He exists independently through Himself and His existence is necessary for the existence of all other things). He was before, is now, and will be forever as substantiated by both the text and reason. Whoever denies or doubts this fact is regarded as an atheist. I was astonished to find that the answer focuses on proving the existence of Allah. (Part No. 3; Page No. 192) Realizing this misunderstanding, I thought of a broader presentation of the question this time for the sake of clarity. It is known that none can attempt a perfect description of Allah more than Allah Himself. Allah (Exalted be He) says: Do you know better or does Allâh Likewise, no one can describe Allah better than the Prophet (peace be upon him): Nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is only a Revelation revealed. All believers must refer to Allah according to how He and His Prophet have described Him. While the Attribute of Al-Wajid (the Existent Creator) is included among Allah's Most Beautiful Names, the interchangeable term of Al-Mawjud (the Existent Being), a term which traditionally refers to Allah's existence and is not included among Allah's Names or Attributes. However, this former term (i.e. Al-Mawjud) is not the only term indicating the existence of Allah. His existence can be inferred by reference to Him by any of His Attributes authentically reported in the Prophet's Hadith. The very moment I accept Islam and witness that Allah is the Ever-Living God or Al-Awwal (The First, The One Whose existence is with no beginning) and Al-Akhir (The Last, The One Whose existence is with no end), this constitutes an acknowledgement of Allah's eternal existence. To quote your answer to the letter: "There are two kinds of Al-Wujud (existence): (i) The self-existence that stands independent of any other being or cause; it is confined to the existence of Allah Alone..."You divided the existence into two categories with no reference to the term Al-Mawjud (Part No. 3; Page No. 193) meant by the question. Then, you went on saying: "...Therefore, Allah can be described as being Al-Mawjud (the Existent Being). It should be known that this is an Attribute and not a Name. This is the point of my question: The Prophet (peace be upon him) described Allah in one of his noble Hadiths as Al-Wajid, not Al-Mawjud, which shows that the latter word is not necessarily indicating the existence of Allah. Likewise, we find among Allah's Attributes "Al-Khaliq (the Creator) is most identical in meaning with the Attribute of Al-Wajid. The word Al-Mawjud (the existent being) like Al-Makhluq (the created being) are the accusative of awjada i.e. to cause to exist and khalaqa i.e. to create, namely, someone else is the subject i.e. the doer of the action. Therefore, how can I express the existence of Allah using the term Al-Mawjud; a word that refers to the existence after nonexistence. Please, give us the legal decision? May Allah reward you!

A: First: The word Al-Wajid is neither a Name nor an Attribute of Allah. The Hadith in which Allah is referred to as Al-Wajid is not authentic. Second: We divided Al-Wujud into two categories because you mentioned in your question that the term Mawjud necessitates a Muwjid (who causes to exist), which is incorrect. The term Al-Mawjud falls under two categories: Mawjud Lidhatih (the Necessarily Existent Being) that neither needs a cause to bring about its existence nor resembles (Part No. 3; Page No. 194) the nature of a created being. The other category is Al-Mawjud Al-Hadith (things that exist by the law of causality). Thus, it is the second category of Wujud (i.e. Al-Mawjud Al-Hadith) which stands in need of an agent to cause its existence. Now, you can realize that we understood your first question and that it was you who misunderstood the answer. May Allah guide us all to better understanding of religion.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
