I have several shops on Hejaz road


Q: I am a student in one of the evening classes in a commercial high school and I need to learn colloquial English. I cannot go to the regular morning schools for I have to earn my living. I want to work at the Bank of England as (Part No. 15; Page No. 38) this will help me practice the English language and at the same time I will get paid. I have been told that working at a bank is Haram (prohibited), will I be a sinner if I work at this bank?

A: It is not permissible for the questioner to work at any usurious bank that deals with Riba (Usury) as by doing this he will be helping the bank deal with Riba and this is prohibited. It has been authentically reported in Sahih Muslim : The Prophet (peace be upon him) cursed the one who consumes (takes) Riba, the one who pays it, the one who records it, and the two who witness it. He (peace be upon him) said, “They are all equal [in sin]." Therefore, it is not permissible for you to work at a usurious bank, just because you want to learn the English language. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
