I own an organization for selling secondary spare parts of cars, which are unoriginal, how can I pay Zakah on it?


Q 1: I own an organization for selling secondary spare parts of cars, which are unoriginal. The price of these articles is about 600 000 Saudi riyals. However, some of them are spoiled and out-of-date. Some are sold slowly. At the same time, I owe a debt, which is about (400 000 Saudi riyals) to the owners of these spare parts. I am unable to repay the debts, due to the slack sale. Now, the production of my sale only meets the needs of my family, which consists of 22 members; 16 females and 6 males. (Part No. 8; Page No. 82

A: After the passing of a full Hawl (one lunar year calculated from the time a property reaches the minimum amount upon which Zakah is due) on all the articles displayed for sale which you have or the money you paid as a price for them; you should estimate the value of these articles and pay the due Zakah on the value, which is 2.5% of the estimated value.
