I said to some of my friends that


Q: I had a dispute with my wife one day because she wanted to go to her family's house while I was at work. (Part No. 20; Page No. 310) I refused because her parents' house is far from our house, and I feared her having to go alone. When she insisted, I said to her in a fit of anger, "By Allah! If you go to your parents' house before I am home from work, you will be to me like my mother." When I left for work she went to her parents' house and she was not home when I returned. At that time, I realized that I had committed a sin and that I must make Kaffarah (expiation) so I decided to feed 60 needy persons. Unfortunately, I had sexual intercourse with my wife before expiating, not knowing that it was not permissible to have sexual relations with her before making Kaffarah. I only knew after it was done. So I made Kaffarh for Zhihar (a man likening his wife to an unmarriageable relative) which was my first sin. Now I want to ask: What should I do to expiate for having sexual intercourse with my wife before expiating for my first sin? Is there a Kaffarah for that and what is it? I hope Your Honor can guide me to what is to be done to help me with this difficult situation.

A: Zhihar is an evil word and a lie. To perform Tawbah (repentance to Allah), you must make Kaffarah and abstain from having any sexual relations with your wife until you make the Kaffarah for Zhihar. Moreover, having sexual intercourse with your wife before making Kaffarah is prohibited and you should perform Tawbah asking Allah's Forgiveness, in addition to making the first Kaffarah. (Part No. 20; Page No. 311) Kaffarah for Zhihar is to manumit a believing bondsman before touching your wife, and if this is not possible, you should fast for two successive months before touching her. If you cannot fast, you must feed 60 needy persons, each half a Sa` (1 Sa`=3 kg. Approx.) of the country's food such as rice, wheat or the like before touching your wife. This amount is approximately equal to one kilo and a half. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
