I used to work as a teacher in an Arab country


Q: I am an eighteen year old man. I left school last year due to hard psychological and family circumstances. I have committed some evil deeds at times of ignorance because I did not think that I would suffer misery and distress for the rest of my life. This is the current status. Many years ago, I along with two young men stole some silver jewels and other things from the house of an old lady. We destroyed it completely searching for money and gold. Moreover, I tried to apostatize Islam and embrace Christianity. I defended it as I fell under the influence of radio programs and enticing presents. I also tried to raise doubts about Islam. (Part No. 15; Page No. 355) I raped the daughter of my neighbor who was a young girl. Moreover, I robbed a sum of money from a shop. But I awfully regret doing these things. I ask myself how could I dare do these things. At the present time, I perform Salah (Prayer) and observe Sawm (Fast). I gave up committing sins and I intend not to commit any sin again in the future and to only do righteous deeds. I intend also to perform Hajj and to fight in the cause of Allah in order to be killed as a martyr. Will Allah forgive me for doing so and admit me to paradise? May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you!

A: Firstly: All praise be to Allah who guides you in your affairs, takes you back to the truth and rescues you from falling in the bond of everlasting misery. Secondly: You have to return the money you stole to whom it is due. Thirdly: You have to repent to Allah for trying to embrace Christianity and raising doubts about Islam. You should intend not to do this again. You also have to refute raising these doubts before those you raised doubts about Islam before them. We ask Allah to forgive you and us, accept your repentance and to guide us all to the truth. (Part No. 15; Page No. 356) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.

