I want to observe Sawm (Fast) but


The third question of Fatwa no. 6959 I observed Sawm (Fast) on a day in Ramadan while my watch was slow (Part No. 10; Page No. 292) and that of a friend of mine was fast. Yet neither of us was aware of this. We were sitting in a room when time passed after Fajr (Dawn) Prayer. Yet being unaware of this fact due to depending on the slow watch, we continued to eat and drink until the time of Fajr Prayer was due according to this slow watch. Walking out of the room to witness if the light of dawn had appeared, we found out that it was the morning. What is the ruling on our Sawm in this case? Should we make up for that day?

A: If it happened that you ate after Al-Fajr-ul-Sadiq (true dawn), then you have to make up for this day. There is no sin on you if during eating you were unaware of the fact that the light of dawn had appeared. If you ate before Al-Fajr-ul-Sadiq, then you should not make up for this day nor is there a sin in that.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
