I worked in a grocery store in


Q: We used to live in a rugged area under severe conditions, such that water was scarcely accessible. One day, I went to fetch water and found a bucket of a woman who filled it then fell asleep waiting for the more water to gather at the bottom of the well in order to fill a second bucket. I poured her water in my bucket and laid it on the edge of the well as if it had spilled on its own and I was innocent. At that time, I did not feel that doing this was forbidden. I took (Part No. 15; Page No. 391) the bucket home and returned to fetch more water. She was still waiting for water and I showed no sign of having knowledge of what had happened and she did not question me. Years have passed and the woman has died, but I never asked her to forgive me or pardon me. I was afraid to tell her lest a dispute may erupt between us. Now I deeply regret this act and it troubles me a great deal. What should I do? Am I obliged to give something in charity on her behalf? Am I sinful, and how can I offer expiation for this? Please advise me? May Allah forgive and give reward us all!

A: Taking water from that woman without her consent after she put it in her bucket is not permissible. You must repent, seek forgiveness, and regret what you did. You can supplicate to Allah for her, because Muslim's supplication for fellow Muslims is encouraged. It would be even better for you to give something in charity on her behalf. May Allah grant us success. Peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!
