If a Muslim man wants to perform


Q 1: When I was about 10 years old in the early 1960s, occupation forces burned my cousin's house. I went along with my peers to the place. I found two pieces of fabric that can be used by women. Therefore, I took them and concealed them in a certain place. When my cousin's wife knew about that, she asked my mother to give the cloth back to her. My mother asked me to return this fabric to her, but I refused. My uncle, the owner of this fabric, died in 1995. Should I give his wife the value of this fabric according to the price at the time of taking it or according to its price at the present time?

A: You have to give back the fabric you have taken from the house of your uncle to their heirs. But if this fabric was ruined, you have to pay them the value of this fabric according to its current price. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
