If a person dies while still having


Q 10: a) If a person observing Sawm (Fast) swallows saliva, although not out of thirst, is their Sawm still valid or not? B)What, if upon waking up, a person had Suhur (the pre-dawn meal before the Fast) after the Adhan (call to Prayer) to Fajr (Dawn) Prayer was announced? Is their Sawm valid or not, knowing that the mentioned Sawm was during the blessed month of Ramadan?C)Is it permissible to drink water during the Adhan of Fajr Prayer or not?

A: a) If it is swallowed before it has been spit out of their mouth, their Sawm is valid. B) If upon waking up a person had Suhur after the Adhan to Fajr Prayer was announced, their Sawm during (Part No. 10; Page No. 330) that day is invalid. They should make up for it if it is one of the days of Ramadan. In future, they should be keen to observe the due time of Fajr Prayer so that they do not commit this again. C) It is not permissible to eat or drink once the Adhan of Al-Fajr-ul-Sadiq (true dawn) has commenced if it is proven to the person that the Adhan is being announced after the due time of the Fajr Prayer.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
