If the man has sexual intercourse


Q: I am a twenty year old man. At the age of seventeen, I committed a deed during the daytime of Ramadan that requires performing expiation of fasting for two consecutive months. Allah did not guide me to observe this expiatory Sawm except during this year. I began my Sawm in Rajab 2, 1405 A.H. The month of Ramadan will come while I am still observing this expiatory Sawm. Moreover, I thought about marriage during the daytime while I was observing this expiatory Sawm on the 15th of Sha`ban. I got very excited so I intentionally rubbed my penis against the floor. I ejaculated semen with desire. Does doing so violate my expiatory Sawm? Should I begin my Sawm again? Does breaking Sawm in days other than Ramadan require expiation? I do not know what to do. May Allah reward you well!

A: Firstly: The coming of Ramadan and observing Sawm during it, does not violate the continuity of the expiatory Sawm you observe. (Part No. 10; Page No. 323) But ejaculating semen in the manner you have mentioned renders your Sawm invalid. Therefore, you have to begin observing expiatory Sawm from the beginning. Secondly: Violating the Sawm of any day other than Ramadan does not require expiation at all. But it requires making up for that day. Expiation is required only for breaking Sawm during the month of Ramadan through having sexual intercourse. Expiation is an act of worship that is only incumbent upon a person who has sexual intercourse during the daytime of Ramadan.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
