In case one cannot afford the expenses of treating one's daughter, it is permissible for him to ask for Zakah for this purpose


Q: My daughter is suffering from a large tumor that is spreading along her spinal cord. I have not been able to find its treatment in the hospitals specializing in this field in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I have tried hard to find someone willing to undertake the costs of her treatment outside the Kingdom but my efforts have been in vain. Moreover, I considered taking out a bank loan from one of the banks to pay for my daughter's treatment. However, I changed my mind when I discovered that the interest paid on the loan is Haram (prohibited). Furthermore, I do not own anything that can be sold to pay for the treatment of my daughter's aggressive illness; and I could not have her treated in the hospitals specialized in treating these diseases outside the Kingdom because I cannot afford to it.1- Is it permissible to ask the rich people to give me enough money for my daughter's treatment from their Zakah money (obligatory charity) ?2- In case it is not permissible to ask for the Zakah money , is there a sin for me if not to have her treated, even though I know that she can be treated outside the Kingdom, if I cannot pay for it?

A: If you find someone to lend you the money necessary for treating your daughter without Riba (usury), you can do it. However, if you cannot find someone to lend you the money, because you are poor and cannot afford to (Part No. 8; Page No. 396) pay for your daughter's treatment, you can ask to take enough money to pay for your daughter's treatment. May Allah grant her recovery and reward you with the best!If you do not treat her, you will not be a sinner because treatment is not Wajib (obligatory) in the Shar` (law).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
