In the past, I used to steal livestock


Q: A young man in the beginning of his life went to an Arab country, collected ill-gotten money, and the unlawful money is mixed with the lawful money and returned home. After a while, Allah guided him to the path of integrity and righteousness, he regretted what he did and wanted to repent taking into consideration that the sum was about 2500 dinars. Now he has a sum of money equal to this and he is about to marry and does not have except this sum for marriage expenses. He has no governmental work; so what should he do? Should he give them in charity where he lives or send it to the governmental body from which he stole this money and how should he send it? Should he put them in a Masjid (mosque) or any charitable project and in what currency? 100 dollars equals 350 dinars; is it permissible to pay their value in dollars with the same value in Egyptian pounds? (Part No. 15; Page No. 341) Could you kindly advise and inform me of the solution which will save him from the torment of Allah? May Allah reward you with the best.

A: It is the duty of that person to render the ill-gotten money which he earned to its owners, if it is possible for him to do so. If it is not possible, he should pay it in righteous ways on behalf of its owners. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
