Inheriting money mixed with unlawful money


Q 1: I have brothers and sisters, Honorable Shaykh. We have inherited wealth from our father, a part of which is ill-gotten. We do not know the exact amount of the ill-gotten money as our father had acquired it long ago and had mixed it with lawfully gotten capital to invest before he died. We, after inheriting the money, invested it likewise.What shall we do Shaykh, when we do not know the exact amount of such an ill-gotten money?

(Part No. 14; Page No. 58)  A: There is no blame on you regarding the wealth you inherited from your father. You should donate the amount of money most likely to be the amount your father acquired unlawfully to the poor or some charitable causes such as Mujahids striving in the cause of Allah, those financially unable to marry, as well as other charitable causes needing funding. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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