Intentionally breaking compensatory Sawm and ruling on having sexual intercourse during this day


Q 1: Is it permissible for a person to intentionally break their Sawm (Fast) which is in compensation for a missed day of Ramadan? And should a person offer a Kaffarah (expiation) if he intentionally breaks his Sawm by having intercourse with his wife?

A: It is forbidden to break the obligatory Sawm which is in compensation for missed Sawm, for vowing, or as Kaffarah without a Shar`y (Islamically lawful) excuse. Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) says: ...and render not vain your deeds. From this verse, scholars deduced the rule that reads: "Whoever engages himself in a Fard (obligatory, based on a definitive text) act is not allowed to break it". Therefore, if a person's Sawm is broken by sexual intercourse, they will be sinful but no Kaffarah is due on them, for Kaffarah belongs to having sexual intercourse only during the daytime of Ramadan. Q 2: A man who is used to offering a voluntary Sawm has been advised by doctors that Sawm will harm him. Is he forbidden to observe Sawm in such a case? A: It is preferable for patients not to observe Sawm if they find hardship in that. This is the Rukhsah (concession) for patients. However, they are permitted to observe Sawm; and in such a case, this will suffice for the obligatory Sawm. Q 3: A fasting man's mouth bled but he did not swallow the blood and did not wash his mouth. Was his Sawm broken by swallowing his impure saliva? (Part No. 9; Page No. 274)  A: If there is blood or any other object in the fasting person's mouth, they have to spit it out because it is forbidden to swallow it. If they swallow it intentionally, they will have their Sawm broken. However, if they do so unintentionally, their Sawm will not be broken.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
