Is it permissible for me to make


Q 2: With my father, a sister of mine performed Hajj accompanied by a group of people from our country. On the Day of `Arafah, an Iranian woman came to the company of women with whom my sister was, carrying a silk string. Addressing the women, the Iranian woman said, "May one of you who is performing Hajj for the first time knot this string?" The oldest woman of the group ordered other women to knot it. The question is: Is the Hajj of those who knotted the string valid? The Iranian woman claims that a sick relative of hers (Part No. 11; Page No. 314) will be cured through knotting the string as such. Moreover, my sister and others with her could not, out of feeling shy, go to my father so that he might prevent her from doing so or otherwise.

A: Such an act is not permissible. Furthermore, women who did so are pardoned for being ignorant, if they are ignorant of it being impermissible. However, if they know that it is impermissible, they will be sinful, will have to repent and ask Allah for forgiveness and must not do it again. As for their Hajj, it is valid In sha’a-Allah (if Allah wills).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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