Is it permissible to distribute


Q 1, 2: Is it permissible for a person who has to offer a Hady (sacrificial animal offered by pilgrims) or a Fidyah (ransom) during Hajj, if he does not find any needy people to take the meat of the sacrifice as charity, to bring it to the pilgrims' encampment so that it may be cooked in the encampment kitchen without giving it in charity? Is it permissible for us to slaughter our sacrifices in Makkah or `Arafah then bring them to Mina afterwards?

A: First: The Hady (sacrificial animal offered by pilgrims) that should be offered by a pilgrim who performs Tamattu` Hajj (`Umrah during the months of Hajj followed by Hajj in the same year with a break in between) or Qiran Hajj (combining Hajj and `Umrah without a break in between) or whatever is driven to the sanctuary (territories of Makkah) as sacrifice should be divided into three parts, and there is no harm if the person eats more than one third of the sacrifice. Second: It is not permissible for the pilgrim to eat from the obligatory sacrifices other than Hady for Tamattu` Hajj (`Umrah during the months of Hajj followed by Hajj in the same year with a break in between) or Qiran Hajj (combining Hajj and `Umrah without a break in between). This applies to the sacrifice offered as a Fidyah (ransom) of having an ailment of the head during Hajj, as compensation for missing a ritual of Hajj, like the expiation for hunting during Hajj, or a vow or so. It is not permissible for a person who is obligated to offer them to eat from them. They should be given in charity to the poor of Makkah whether obligated in Makkah or for Ihram. Third: Slaughtering the Hady for Tamattu` Hajj or Qiran Hajj should be done in Mina or in Makkah or any place in the territories of Makkah. It is authentically reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) slaughtered his Hady in Mina and said: I have slaughtered here and Mina is a place for slaughtering and the roads of Makkah are all roads and places for slaughtering. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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