Is it permissible to take money


Q: In this area, of Bashut Shimran, there are more than 2,000 cows, but there are no bulls for them. We found one bull in this area, but its owner refused to let us have it, even in return for a small fee. He told us that receiving a fee for this is Haram (prohibited). My question is: If we did take this bull and pay its owner a fee, would it be Haram?

A: It is not permissible to receive a fee for a bull servicing cows, because it was reported: The Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade the selling of a bull’s semen (i.e., a fee for servicing). Therefore, the cows’ owners should buy a bull for their cows, even if they go into partnership for this. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
