Is the person studying abroad permitted to break Sawm?


Q: Should we observe Sawm (Fast) in this country, India. It should be known that our stay here is known approximately. Most of us observe Sawm in Ramadan. Is it permissible for us to break Sawm?

A: It is obligatory upon you to observe Sawm in Ramadan because it is one of the Rukns (Pillars) of Islam. It is impermissible for you to break Sawm because you are in the country where you study. You are not considered travelers. Allah permits only the ill and the traveler to break Sawm. Allah (Exalted be He) states: So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadan i.e. is present at his home), he must observe Saum (fasts) that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Saum (fasts) must be made up] from other days. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are included in this ruling, based on evidence such as the Hadith of Anas Ibn Malik, a man from Banu Ka`b, who said: The army of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) invaded my tribe. I went to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and found him eating. He said to me: 'Come near to eat!' I replied, 'I observe Sawm (fast).' (Part No. 9; Page No. 141) He said: 'Come near to tell you about Sawm or Siyam! Allah (Exalted be He) exempted the traveler from Sawm and half of the Salah (Prayer). He exempted the pregnant and breastfeeding woman from Sawm or Siyam... (Related by Al-Tirmidhy)May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
