Is “Safwat Al-Tafasir” by Shaykh


Q 3: What are the useful books, other than the Qur'an, for those seeking Islamic knowledge, in Tafsir (explanation of the meanings of the Qur'an), Hadith, Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and the Arabic language? May Allah protect and support you. Amen.

A: The useful books in Tafsir include: Tafsir Ibn Jarir Al-Tabary, Tafsir Al-Baghawy and Tafsir Ibn Kathir. In Hadith: Fat-h Al-Bary by Ibn Hajar Al-`Asqalany, which is the explanation of the Sahih (authentic) Book of Al-Bukhari, and Sharh Al-Nawawy for Sahih Muslim. In Fiqh: Al-Majmu` by Al-Nawawy, the book of Al-Muhadhab by Al-Shirazy, Al-Mughny by Ibn Qudamah, and Al-Umm by Al-Shafi`y. In the Arabic language: Lisan Al-`Arab and Al-Qamus Al-Muhit by Al-Fayruz Abady, and Gharib Al-Hadith by Ibn Al-Athir. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
