Issuing a government permit to export wheat and then selling it


Q: I would like to report my concern to Your Eminence. I am going to make efforts to gain permission to export wheat, (Part No. 23; Page No. 452) flour, or Saudi cement to a certain country. It is noteworthy that this permission is not easy to obtain, and that I will later sell it for a huge sum of money. I spare no effort to gain this permission by engaging in the processes of writing to His Royal Highness and following up with the relevant authorities. What is the ruling on this act? If it is impermissible, please provide further explanations to be assured. May Allah be pleased with your acts of obedience, double your reward, and make Muslims benefit from your knowledge!

A: This act is impermissible as it entails many evils and various negative consequences. Therefore, you have to abandon it.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
