Living with non-Muslims


Q 1: I live with ten colleagues of various nationalities, including nine Christians and one atheist. We have our main meal together on one table. The meal is prepared alternately by two students. Is it permissible to eat with them, bearing in mind that it is beyond my financial ability and student conditions to live alone?

A: Shari`ah (Islamic law) is based on providing ease, tolerance and avoiding hardship. Thus, you may continue living with them as you cannot live alone. However, you must call them to Allah verbally and by setting an example for them through kind dealings with them. Who knows! Perhaps you will be a source of blessing for them. Q 3: These people deal with each other so kindly and friendly that they invite each other to their respective rooms to eat take-away meals, drinks, fruits or the like. I expect to be invited by any of them, Christians or atheist. May I accept their invitation, and thus have to reciprocate the invitation, or refuse? In fact, I do my best in calling them to Islam verbally or by example In sha’a-Allah (if Allah wills). However, I fear that they may consider it arrogance and Islamic unsociability on my part not to accept their invitation, which might lead them to be disinclined to understand Islam. What is your opinion? A: You may invite them to your room and accept their invitation so long as you call them to Allah as explained in the answer to the first question. (Part No. 26; Page No. 88) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
