

Q: What is the ruling on today's famous game that many children and youth play i.e. the table of football players statues which contains a small ball that is moved by hands and its rent is paid by the loser while the winner does not pay any thing? Is such a game and similar ones permissible according to Shari`ah (Islamic law)?

A: In case the matter with the concerned game is exactly as what is mentioned in the question i.e. it involves statues and that the loser pays the rent thereof, such a game is Haram (prohibited) for different reasons: Firstly: Making oneself busy with this game is a distraction that consumes a person's leisure time and causes them to miss many of the interests of their religious and worldly affairs. Besides, playing with such a game may lead the person to be accustomed to harmful pastime activities and it may be a means to get involved in more serious kinds of gambling, and whatever is of these characteristics is a Haram vanity. Secondly: Making statues and images or keeping them is a major sin. This is established by the Sahih (authentic) Hadith in which Allah (Exalted be He) and His Messenger (peace be upon him) threaten whoever does so with fire and painful chastisement. Thirdly: Paying the concerned game's rent by the loser is Haram because it is tantamount to wasting money by spending it on play and distraction. Moreover, hiring the game in question is a Batil (null and void) contract (Part No. 15; Page No. 207) and the gaining of its owner through it, is unlawful and tantamount to consuming other peoples money unjustly. Accordingly, indulging in such a practice is a major sin and a Haram gambling. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
