Maintaining ties of kinship with Fasiq family members


Q 1: What is the Islamic ruling if some family members are Fasiq (someone flagrantly violating Islamic law) and one of them is a devout Muslim? Should he abandon them, as he has called them to the religion of Allah, and although Muslims, they refuse to accept his advice? He said, "O Allah, I have conveyed (Your Commandments)." However, his mother holds that he should not abandon them, so he did not, but he is concerned about their fate.

A: If the case is as you have mentioned, it is obligatory for you to continue advising and guiding them for the sake of Allah and fulfilling the rights of relationship and joining the ties of kinship. If they persist (in their refusal), (Part No. 25; Page No. 364) abandon them for the Sake of Allah, except for the mother whom you should behave kindly towards. Nevertheless, you should not obey her with regard to abandoning them, and you should follow the Way of Allah. If you know that in staying with them you will be able to reduce their evil, and that if you abandoned them their evil would increase and their religious fate will worsen, in this case you should stay with them as long as you are not affected by the sins they commit, for in this way you would be doing the lesser of two evils and avoiding the greater of them.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


The history of the messengers: Noah