Make up for the Sawm you missed


Q 6: I had an accident a few days before Ramadan and I could not observe Sawm (fasting). Given that in the following two years I observed Sawm in Ramadan, what is the ruling on the first month I could not observe Sawm? I am able to observe Sawm, but it is too difficult for me. Shall I feed needy people to compensate for the month which I broke Sawm, or shall I observe Sawm myself? What is the ruling on the next years, shall I observe Sawm even if it is difficult for me, or shall I feed needy people instead?

A: First, as for the days in which you broke your Sawm and have not made up for them until now, you should make up for them and feed a needy person for every day; you delayed making up for those days while you could have done so.Second, as for the next years, you should observe Sawm if you can. If it is too difficult for you, you may break your Sawm and make up for it when you are able to do so, as Allah states, ...and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Saum (fasts) must be made up] from other days. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Al-Qur'an: The Miracle of Miracles