Married person going to the grave of Muhammad Al-Salih and writing his name on the wall


Q 1: It is customary when someone marries to go to the domed grave of the righteous man Sidi Muhammad Al-Salih. The bridegroom writes his name and his family name on the wall of the dome. He then lights some candles. When I asked some elders about this custom, they said that this pious Waliy recommended that the newlyweds visit him. (Part No. 1; Page No. 152) They told us that he died on his wedding night. People, thus considered his request obligatory and claim that anyone who does not go to the grave and write his name with henna, and lights some candles will become impotent or insane on his wedding night. We heard that when some newly married people disapproved of this habit and did not abide by it, they were afflicted with impotence, insanity, etc. This Waliy is buried alone in a private place, not in the cemetery. Is it permissible to follow them in this habit despite our knowledge that all good and evil are in the Hand of Allah?What is the meaning of what happened to the newly married people who refused to visit the grave on their wedding night and were exposed to afflictions? They sought several medical treatments but all were in vain. They did not recover until they went to that Waliy, wrote their names with henna, and lit some candles.Is someone who follows this practice considered a Mushrik (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship)? How do we treat people who do this out of fear that they will be inflicted with adversity? Please, advise! May Allah show mercy to and bless you, and benefit Muslims from your knowledge.

A: It is not permissible to visit the graves of the dead in order to be blessed by them or to ensure a happy marriage, or anything else. This is an act of disbelief because these needs are only asked from Allah. So you should abandon this evil practice and warn people against it. (Part No. 1; Page No. 153) As for the success achieved when they follow this custom and the problems they face when they do not, this does not validate this practice or its permissibility because this is a trial and test. Actions must be taken from the Shari`ah, not from customs.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Nasser al Qatami