Meaning of the Ayah 'There is no compulsion in religion'


Q 5: Since it is not permissible for non-Muslims to call people to their religions, is this practice not in opposition with the Ayah (Qur'anic verse) in which Allah (Exalted be He) says, There is no compulsion in religion. ? A: Well, it is not permissible for non-Muslims to call Muslims to their false religions, as stated in the reply to the previous question. This does not oppose the Saying of Allah (Exalted be He), There is no compulsion in religion. It is shown in this Qur'anic Ayah that since the religion of Islam is perfect with regard to its proof, evidence and its clear Ayahs, and since it is the religion of reason and knowledge; the religion of nature and wisdom; the religion of righteousness and reform, and the religion of right and guidance, it is in no need (Part No. 1; Page No. 25

A: Well, it is not permissible for non-Muslims to call Muslims to their false religions, as stated in the reply to the previous question. This does not oppose the Saying of Allah (Exalted be He), There is no compulsion in religion. It is shown in this Qur'anic Ayah that since the religion of Islam is perfect with regard to its proof, evidence and its clear Ayahs, and since it is the religion of reason and knowledge; the religion of nature and wisdom; the religion of righteousness and reform, and the religion of right and guidance, it is in no need (Part No. 1; Page No. 25) to be spread through compulsion. This is because a person is forced to do something which the hearts loathe; something that opposes truth and right or something whose proof and signs are not clear. However, anyone who embraces Islam then abandons it out of stubbornness and haughtiness after the right path has become distinct from the wrong path for him, there will be no excuse for him to reject it. This was said by Ibn Kathir (may Allah be Merciful to him) in the explanation of the Ayah mentioned above, "Muslims should not compel anyone to adopt Islam as it is a clear religion with clear proof and evidence. Thus, Islam is a religion that does not need people to be compelled in order for them to embrace it. Anyone whom Allah (Exalted be He) guides to Islam and grants sound insight will adopt it without hesitation. On the other hand, for those whom Allah (Exalted be He) allows to go astray and seals their hearing and heart, it will be useless to compel them to embrace Islam."May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
