Not making up for the missed days of fast during the postpartum period out of ignorance


Q 1: A woman missed out the fast of Ramadan in two years (Part No. 9; Page No. 78) due to her coincidently being in the postpartum period. This was fifteen years ago, and she did not know that she must make up for them. What should she do now? Kindly, take into consideration that she cannot fast due to an illness.

A: If her present illness is curable, then as soon as she recovers from it, she should make up for these two months in which she had broken her fast in their order. Along with this, she must pay Kaffarah (expiation) for her delay in making up for the fast; i.e., she should feed a needy person for each day. If her illness is incurable, she should feed a needy person for each day on which she had broken the fast in replacement of the fast. She should also offer a Kaffarah for each day of the two months, due to her delay in making up for the fast.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions.
