Obligation of taking Ghusl after having a wet dream


Q: What should a person do when he wakes up in the morning to find that he is Junub (in a state of post-sexual ritual impurity)? Is it permissible for him to wear clean clothes before performing Janabah Ghusl (full ritual bath to cleanse of sexual discharge)? Support your answer with the necessary proofs, please.

A: If a person wakes up in the morning to find that he had a sexual dream and discharged Maniy (sperm secretions that are released on orgasm) while he was sleeping, it is Wajib (obligatory) for him to perform Janabah Ghusl. However, it is permissible for such a person to put on clean clothes before making Ghusl, because Janabah (major ritual impurity related to sexual discharge) is not considered a material Najasah (ritual impurity); it is only an immaterial state of Hadath (ritual impurity that invalidates ablution). Moreover, Maniy is Tahir (ritually pure), not Najis (ritually impure). Yet, it is Mustahab (desirable) to remove such Maniy by washing it if it is wet or rubbing it if it is dry, for it is authentically reported that this was the way `Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) would clean it off the clothes of the Prophet (peace be upon him).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
