Occupation forces burned my cousin''s


Q: I work with my father in a privately-owned service station, (Part No. 15; Page No. 377) whose owner gives my father only 60 pounds per month and gives me 40 pounds in return for staying in the station and guarding it at night. This means that my father takes a total of 100 pounds to support a family of four members, including him. He has no land or any other source of income. At one time, my father faced hard times and we needed money. Since I was working at the station day and night at that time, I took a little money from the safe that had no effect on the profits of the station. It is important to mention that in Ramadan the station owner used to bring meat and fruits for his children and give us nothing even though we could not afford to buy them, except what Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) makes easy for us, and we did our job sincerely and honestly. These actions had a bad effect on me. We cannot leave this work for another. I am now confused about the money I took. What should I do? What should I do if the station owner dies while I am indebted to him? What if Allah relieves my distress, should I give him the money in secret or in public although he knows nothing about it? May Allah reward you the best!

A: The money you took from the station safe is a breach of trust for the work you have been entrusted with. Thus, it is Haram (prohibited) and you should turn to Allah (Exalted be He) in repentance and ask for His Forgiveness. Also, you are required to repay the money you took to its owner and free yourself from liability. May Allah guide you and us to lawful earning and sustenance! (Part No. 15; Page No. 378) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
