One of my daughters was one month to complete fifteen years old at the time of Hajj, but she had never menstruated until that time. Will this Hajj dis


Q 3: One of my daughters was one month to complete fifteen years old according to her birth certificate at the time of Hajj, but she had never menstruated until that time. Only two months after performing Hajj, she began to menstruate, will this Hajj discharge her obligation to perform the obligatory Hajj?

A 3: If the mentioned daughter had seen the signs of pubescence, even if just before the dawn of `Eid-ul-Adha (the Festival of the Sacrifice), by having a wet dream, or if she had pubic hair, this would discharge her obligation of performing Hajj. But if she does not experience any of the above signs, she will still be obligated to perform the obligatory Hajj again. This is because performing Hajj before pubescence does not discharge the responsibility of performing the obligatory Hajj.


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