Paying a sum of money to a girl's brother who disapproves of her marriage for a doubtful breastfeeding relationship to agree to marriage


Q: Mani` proposed to marry the questioner's sister Zar`ah. The questioner disapproved of the marriage proposal fearing there could be a breastfeeding relationship between his sister and Mani`. Then the questioner agreed with Mani` that he would not oppose the marriage proposal if the latter and his family give him a sum of money. The question is whether doing so is considered a sin or not? A: If the questioner does not know for sure that there is a breastfeeding relationship between his sister and her suitor and the questioner only suspects the possibility, rejecting the marriage proposal is not the correct thing to do. This is because the basic ruling is the absence of breastfeeding and basic rulings are not to be contraposed except by Shar`y (Islamic legal) reasons. However, the questioner did not mention a Shar`y reason for opposing the original ruling. The questioner's doubt has no bearing on the possibility that there might be a breastfeeding relationship between his sister and her suitor; thus, this does not change the original ruling in any way.On the other hand, taking money from the man and his family for not objecting to the marriage is tantamount to seizing others' property unjustly. It is impermissible for him to receive any money unless they give it to him willingly and not for accepting the proposal. This is because if such an objection is well-founded, it will be Haram (prohibited) to recant or neglect it; and if it is not, it will be impermissible to abide by it or to receive compensation for denying it.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions. The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' Member Member Deputy Chairman `Abdullah ibn Sulayman Ibn Mani` `Abdullah ibn `Abdul-Rahman ibn Ghudayyan `Abdul-Razzaq `Afify (Part No. 21; Page No. 132

A: If the questioner does not know for sure that there is a breastfeeding relationship between his sister and her suitor and the questioner only suspects the possibility, rejecting the marriage proposal is not the correct thing to do. This is because the basic ruling is the absence of breastfeeding and basic rulings are not to be contraposed except by Shar`y (Islamic legal) reasons. However, the questioner did not mention a Shar`y reason for opposing the original ruling. The questioner's doubt has no bearing on the possibility that there might be a breastfeeding relationship between his sister and her suitor; thus, this does not change the original ruling in any way.On the other hand, taking money from the man and his family for not objecting to the marriage is tantamount to seizing others' property unjustly. It is impermissible for him to receive any money unless they give it to him willingly and not for accepting the proposal. This is because if such an objection is well-founded, it will be Haram (prohibited) to recant or neglect it; and if it is not, it will be impermissible to abide by it or to receive compensation for denying it.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
