Paying acquired bank interests in return for required interest


Q: I deposited a sum of money in the bank and received the amount of 10000 Kenyan shillings as interest. However, I did not use this interest for any personal benefit. I also took a Riba-interest loan from the said bank and officials there demand that I pay the due usurious interests i.e. 10000 Kenyan shilling. Is it permissible for me to pay the interests I got from depositing my money in the bank in return for the loan interests?

A: Your depositing money in the Riba-based banks and taking interests is Haram (prohibited), and so is your taking a Riba-based loan. You are not permitted to pay the interests you got for your deposited sum of money in return for the loan interests, rather you should give this interest in charity , such as for the benefit of the poor and needy or renovating public facilities etc. (Part No. 13; Page No. 361) Furthermore, you should repent to Allah asking His forgiveness. You must not deal in Riba because it is one of the major sins and fear Allah, as whoever does, Allah will facilitate his affairs. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
