Paying commercial commodities instead of Zakah on money, whenever it would be better for the poor


Q: The charity warehouse which is subsidiary to the charity project of assisting youth to get married in Jeddah receives material aid, like new furniture from one of the commercial institutions, as Zakah (obligatory charity). This takes place every year. We give them a receipt that we have taken the furniture according to their market price, taking into consideration that the real value of this furniture is much less than the market price. We hopefully wish that Your Eminence will clarify this issue for us and direct us to what is Islamically correct. May Allah safeguard you and grant you success!

A: It is permissible to pay commercial commodities instead of Zakah of money, whenever it would be better for the poor, these commodities must be given according to their current price in the market at the time when Zakah is due.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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