Paying Zakah on behalf of some person every year without informing him about the sum


Q 3: I gave a friend a sum of money to invest it in trade. At the end of the first year, he calculated my due profits and told me that he had already paid the due Zakah (obligatory charity) on my earnings. Is it permissible for him to pay the due Zakah of my money which he invests on my behalf? It should be known that he is a trustworthy person to me, and he knows well the legal laws of Allah.

A 3: Zakah is `Ibadah (worship) for Allah (Exalted be He). Intention is a condition for its validity. Therefore, the payer of Zakah should have the intention to give it at the time of its payment. However, if you had authorized this man to pay the due Zakah of your money and consequently he gave it to its deserving beneficiaries, then it is permissible to do so. Hence, your obligation will be discharged. However, if you did not authorize him, your obligation is not discharged and you must pay the due Zakah regardless of the money paid by your friend. In this case, your friend should guarantee the money which he has paid without your permission.May Allah grant us success. May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions!


The Rulings of Relieving Oneself