Postpartum period after miscarriage


Q 2: A pregnant woman experienced a miscarriage one day during Ramadan. Yet she continued observing Sawm (Fast) on this day. What is the ruling on the validity of Sawm on the day in question? On the same day after Iftar (breaking the Fast), she went to the hospital where she underwent an operation for cleaning her womb, which prevented her from observing Sawm on the next day. What is the ruling on this case? Now after leaving the hospital, should she wait until she becomes pure from postpartum blood or should she observe Sawm? If she should not observe Sawm, how long should she wait? Should she only make up for these days or feed needy people as well?

A: If the miscarried fetus was somewhat formed into a human shape, that is, having limbs, such as hands, legs and the like, she should wait until she becomes pure from the postpartum blood or else she should wait for forty days, then she can take after-postpartum bleeding Ghusl (full ritual bath) and perform Salah (Prayer). She must make up for the days of Ramadan during which she did not observe Sawm. She does not have to feed the needy if she makes up for the missed days before next Ramadan. (Part No. 10; Page No. 224) If she becomes pure before completing the period of forty days, she should take a Ghusl and start performing Salah and Sawm due to the termination of the impediment preventing her from doing so.On the other hand, if the embryo was not formed, then her observing Sawm during that day was valid and the bleeding mentioned is abnormal vaginal bleeding, which does not prevent her from offering Salah and observing Sawm. She should perform Wudu' (ablution) for every Salah until her next usual menstrual period begins.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
