Psychological treatment for oversleeping


Q 5: My father took the youngest of my three mentally-retarded brothers, to visit a psychiatrist in order to prescribe a medicine for him because he is very naughty and gives us a hard time. The doctor prescribed some tranquilizers that cause him to sleep all day. Is my father sinful, knowing that he has to give him the medicine because he prevents us from doing our duties. My brother does not hurt anyone, but he has the tendency to run away from the house and go to far away places. We are worried lest he should have accidents, so is it permissible to lock him up in the house or even tie him up with a rope in order to prevent him from running away and not give him the medicines that may afflict him with other diseases that Allah Alone knows? A: If these medicines affect his health badly, it will not be permissible (Part No. 1; Page No. 119

A: If these medicines affect his health badly, it will not be permissible (Part No. 1; Page No. 119) to give them to that mentally-retarded child, and you can stop him from going out by tying him or locking him up at home and so on. May Allah grant you assistance, decisiveness, reward and recompense.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
