Put wreaths of flowers on the graves of martyrs


Q 3: I know that it is not permissible to perform Talqin (reminding a dead person to say "La ilaha illa Allah [there is no god but Allah])", but a large number of scholars in our country permit that. Their argument is based on Al-Shafi`y's Madh-hab (School of Jurisprudence). I referred to the book "Nayl Al-Awtar" by Al-Shawkany who remained silent concerning this point, but said that this is regarded as permissible by some of Al-Shafi`iyyah (followers of Imam Al-Shafi`y). What should we do?

A: The more correct of the two opinions maintained by scholars in this regard is that Reciting Talqin after death is not permissible. Rather, it is a Bid`ah (innovation in religion) and every Bid`ah is a misguidance. As for the Hadith, reported by Al-Tabarany in his book "Al-Kabir" on the authority of Sa`id ibn `Abdullah Al-Awdy from Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) concerning the Talqin of the dead after burying him, it is mentioned by Al-Haythamy in the second and third volume of his book "Majm` Al-Zawa'id", who comments on the Hadith, saying, "It includes some (in the chain of transmission) whom I do not know." Therefore, we cannot cite this Hadith as evidence for the permissibility of Talqin after death. Doing so is a Bid`ah (Part No. 9; Page No. 93) according to the Prophet's saying: Whoever innovates things in our affairs for which there is no valid (reason) is to have it rejected. The Madh-hab of the four Imams do not constitute a legal ruling. But the Book of Allah, the authentic Sunnah reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him) and Ijma` (consensus) are the only sources that constitute legal proof. There is no authentic narrations about Talqin after death, therefore, it is not permissible to do it.Encouraging someone, who is dying, to say "La ilaha illa Allah" (there is no god but Allah) and helping them to repeat it, is permissible. It is permissible to do so in order that the last words the dying person utters would be La ilaha illa Allah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that to his uncle, Abu Talib. However, his uncle refused to say it. The last words that were said by Abu Talib is: "I am believing in the religion of `Abdul-Muttalib." May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
