Quoting Ayahs and interpolating some words into them


Q: What is the ruling when a certain topic is raised or a specific dialogue runs during which some relevant Ayahs (Qur'anic verses) are cited? For example, a teacher may face a problem and when a student asks what has happened, she answers citing Allah's saying: No calamity befalls, but by the Leave [i.e. Decision and Qadar (Divine Preordainments)] of Allâh (Part No. 3; Page No. 32) Is there any sin in this?

A: The majority of Fuqaha' (Muslim jurists) deemed it generally permissible to quote Ayahs in one's words in order to embellish them and make them sound better. This only applies as long as they are used for a purpose that does not go beyond the limits of Shari`ah (Islamic law). But, if it is a prohibited or detestable speech, it will not be permissible to cite Ayahs, such as the speech of Bid`ah (innovation in religion) mongers and those who indulge in obscene talk.More elaborately, quoting Ayahs can fall into one of three possible cases, as mentioned by Al-Suyuty: The first: Acceptable citation, in the case of sermons, preaching and agreements. The second: Permissible, in the case of letters and stories. The third: Rejected, which is again of two types: The first: Quoting words which Allah ascribed to Himself, then the speaker ascribes them to himself. The second: Including an Ayah in an inappropriate or immoral context. Al-Suyuty commented, saying: "This classification is very good and I advocate it."May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
