Refusing a righteous suitor after making Istikharah


Q 6: More than one Multazim (practicing Muslim) suitor proposed to a Muslim girl, but she refused all of them after making Du`a'-ul-Istikharah (supplication for guidance) even though they are all well-mannered and devout. Is this act correct or does it contradict the Hadith in which the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "If someone with a satisfactory standard of Iman (Faith) and good conduct comes to you seeking marriage, then give him (your daughter or sister) in marriage"?

A: The cited Hadith is Da`if (a Hadith that fails to reach the status of Hasan, due to a weakness in the chain of narration or one of the narrators). It was reported on the authority of Al-Bukhari that he did not regard it as Mahfuz (a Hadith narrated by a chain of trustworthy narrators that contradicts a narration of another who is of a lesser degree of trustworthiness). Abu Dawud regarded it as a Hadith Mursal (a Hadith with no Companion of the Prophet in the chain of narration), and Ibn Al-Qattan also described it as Mursal. Accordingly, there is no blame on her; however, we advise her to accept the marriage proposal of a competent suitor and not to seek perfection. (Part No. 18; Page No. 60) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
