Repeating the words of Talaq three times intending to emphasize it


A: Since you mentioned that you said to your wife, "you are divorced, divorced, divorced," and your intention was to threaten her and emphasize the first utterance of the word of Talaq; the first utterance counts as one pronouncement of Talaq. However, the second and third utterances of the word are just considered emphasis on the first utterance - as you claimed and none can confirm this but Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) - and do not count as other pronouncements of Talaq. However, if the Talaq in question is not the third, it is permissible for you to take her back in marriage as long as she is still in her `Iddah (woman's prescribed waiting period after divorce). (Part No. 20; Page No. 142) If the `Iddah has already expired, it is permissible for you to take her back in marriage with the conclusion of a new marriage contract whose conditions are fulfilled. Finally, if this Talaq is the third one, she becomes unlawful for you unless she marries another man, not for the purpose of Tahlil (a marriage contracted for the sole purpose of legalizing remarriage between an irrevocably divorced couple), and this marriage ends lawfully. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Stories Of The Qur�an